Tami Sutcliffe:
Texas Woman's University

Completed Art History Minor Coursework:

ART 2513. History of Art-Medieval.
Survey of early Christian, Byzantine, Romanesque, and Gothic art.

ART 3503. History of Art-Renaissance.
European art from 1400 to 1600. Emphasis on concepts of Renaissance.

ART 3513. History of Art-19th Century.
Development of art in the modern world from the end of the 18th century to 1899.

ART 4523. History of Art-20th Century.
Development of art in the modern world from 1900 to present.

ART 1603 Photography
Advanced composition; black and white processing.

ART 4903 Film Noir
Development of American film genre from 1945 to 1997.

ART 1203. Basic Design.
Introduction to problems in visual organization, chiefly in two-dimensional design. Exploration of the elements of art and the principles of visual organization. Lectures, demonstrations and studio production.

ART 1303. Basic Drawing.
Introduction to drawing styles, techniques and concepts including expressive, analytical and perceptual problems using still-life, figure, landscape, ethnic heritage, and women's issues as subject matter.

minor degree programs professionally cover the fine and applied arts within the visual arts. The matrix program provides a unifying body of knowledge and technical skill necessary for advanced study of non-verbal communication using the universal language of the visual arts - line, form, color, and texture.

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